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Skeleton Key: Can You Talk an AI into Telling You Secrets?

Imagine wanting to know something a powerful AI shouldn't tell you, like illicit information on topics like hacking, politics, racism, drugs, violence, self-harm, explosives, and bioweapon . Traditionally, such requests would be a strict no-go. However, a new technique called "Skeleton Key" reveals a surprising vulnerability in AI security, showcasing how even sophisticated AI models can be manipulated through clever social engineering. Skeleton Key isn't about brute force hacking; it's akin to social engineering for AI. The process unfolds in a series of steps. A user makes a forbidden request to the AI, asking for something off-limits like hacking instructions. The AI, adhering to its safety protocols, refuses to comply. Undeterred, the user rephrases the request, claiming it’s for research or a noble cause. Crucially, they ask for a warning label instead of an outright refusal. Through a series of persuasive exchanges, the user attempts to convince the AI to al

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